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Safe Foods for your Dog

It's not uncommon for us to now refer to our dogs as our babies. Why shouldn’t we, they’re family, right? Yes, of course! But just like regular human babies, there are going to be certain foods that just aren’t right for them. Aside from natural allergies that dogs may have, let’s look into some basic foods that they can and cannot eat. This information has been sourced from AKC.org. And pets.webmd.com. DOCOpet is not a veterinary clinic and this content is meant to be informative and entertaining.
Yes to these!
(Please keep in mind that any amount of fruit is adding sugar to your dog's diet. Although these are safe for them to eat, the high sugar content is where you need to be wary).
Apple, Banana, Blueberry, Orange, Mango, Pineapple, Raspberry, Pear, Peach,Peas, Green Bean, Celery, Carrot, *Brussel Sprout, *Broccoli
Cantaloupe - Do not feed them the rinds or seeds as they can create blockages.
Cranberry - Both fresh and dried cranberries can be consumed.
Watermelon - Do not feed them the rinds or seeds as they can create blockages.
*Cabbage - Along with Brussels Sprouts and Broccoli, are safe in small amounts. But beware, gassiness is imminent!
No on these:
Cherries - These carry trace amounts of cyanide but it is enough to damage your dog. Best to avoid the cherry altogether.
Grapes - And raisins (and currants). The jury is still out as to the Specific toxin that causes kidney failure in dogs, but the danger is real. Mycotoxin, salicylate, and most recently, tartaric acid may be the cause(s) of decreasing blood flow to the kidneys.
Mushrooms - Be careful if you live in an area with wild mushrooms. Avoid fungi altogether, too many different toxins live in different mushies so it is best to stay away instead of doing the guesswork.
Onions -Leeks and chives are part of the Allium family which is poisonous to dogs and cats.
Tomatoes - This fruit could go to the “Maybe pile.” If they are unripe or if your pup chews on the plant itself, the solanine in the green parts of the plant is toxic to dogs. Maybe a ripe slice from your salad will be okay but it is best to just avoid giving tomatoes to your dog.
The Maybe pile:
Asparagus - Not an unsafe veggie, but there is no nutritional benefit for them after it’s been cooked.
Avocado - The benefits of avocado oil are used in many brand name dog foods. But it is best to avoid giving your pup the actual fruit of an avocado. It is high in fat and the pit and skin (as well as the leaves) are toxic to dogs due to high levels of persin. Even the fruit has enough persin to irritate your dog’s system and may induce vomiting and diarrhea.
Dairy - Dairy products are given sparingly. Dog’s digestive systems are simply not built to process lactose after a certain age. Some yogurt, a small amount of cheese, or a lick of plain ice cream might be okay. But watch your dog’s reaction as lactose intolerance will result in diarrhea and other digestive issues.
Spinach - Giving a large amount of spinach will result in the inability to absorb calcium due to oxalic acid in spinach.
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